Lirik When The Sun Goes Down · Arctic Monkeys, Chord Gampang & Makna Lagu Lengkap

Lirik When The Sun Goes Down · Arctic Monkeys, Chord Gampang & Makna Lagu Lengkap

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Lirik When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys ceritaIN tentang arti sudut pandang orang yang ngeliat kehidupan malam di kotanya 🌃. 👀


Musisi:Arctic Monkeys
Judul:When The Sun Goes Down
Pencipta:Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Matt Helders feat Andy Nicholson
Album:Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not
Rilis:23 Januari 2006
Produser:Jim Abbiss
Genre:Indie, Rock
Makna Lagu↗️

Lirik When The Sun Goes Down · Arctic Monkeys

Bait 1:
So who’s that girl there?
I wonder what went wrong
So that she had to roam the streets
She don’t do major credit cards
I doubt she does receipts
It’s all not quite legitimate
And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he’ll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he’s got a driving ban
Amongst some other offences

Bait 2:
And I’ve seen him with girls of the night
And he told Roxanne to put on her red light
They’re all infected but he’ll be alright
‘Cause he’s a scumbag, don’t you know
I said he’s a scumbag, don’t you know!

G F# (v2) Bm


5th one goes like this:


G F# (v2) Bm

Bait 3:
(no guitar, bass only)
Although you’re trying not to listen
I bet your eyes are staring at the ground
She makes a subtle proposition
I’m sorry love, I’ll have to turn you down
Oh, he must be up to summat
What are the chances, sure it’s more than likely
I’ve got a feeling in my stomach
I start to wonder what his story might be
What his story might be

They said it changes when the sun goes down
Yeah, they said it changes when the sun goes down
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Around here

Bait 4:
G F# (v2) Bm
And look here comes a Ford Mondeo
G F# (v2) Bm
Isn’t he Mister Inconspicuous
G F# (v2) Bm
And he don’t have to say ‘owt
G F# (v2) Bm
She understands she’s here to get picked up
G F# (v2) Bm
And she’s delighted when she sees him
G F# (v2) Bm
Pulling in and giving her the eye
G F# (v2) Bm
Because she must be fucking freezing
G F# (v2) Bm
Scantily clad beneath the clear night sky
G F# (v2) Bm
She don’t stop in the winter, no and…

They said it changes when the sun goes down
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here
They said it changes when the sun goes down
Over the river, going out of town
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Around … here, oh

What a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he’ll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah, that he’s got a nasty plan
I hope you’re not involved at all



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Tentang Lagu When The Sun Goes Down | Arctic Monkeys

Additional Recording:Alan Smyth
Vokalis:Alex Turner
Gitaris Rhythm:Alex Turner
Bass Guitar:Andy Nicholson
Drummer:Matt Helders
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Engineer Rekaman:Ewan Davies feat Jim Abbiss
Asisten Mixing:Owen Skinner
Label:Domino Recording Company

Album Arctic Monkeys:

Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, 23 Februari 2006

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Lirik | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lirik | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu When The Sun Goes Down

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. Arctic Monkeys?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

Lagu ini kayak cerita dari sudut pandang orang yang ngeliat kehidupan malam di kotanya 🌃.

Ada seorang cewek yang terpaksa “kerja” di jalanan, sementara cowok-cowok brengsek di sekitarnya cuma cari keuntungan dari situasi dia.

sangat terlihat adanya kritik sosial di sini, seperti menggambarkan kerasnya realitas buat orang-orang yang hidup di pinggiran 💔.

Terus ada sosok cowok yang jelas-jelas bukan orang baik.

Dia sering keliatan sama cewek-cewek “malam” dan nggak peduli sama konsekuensinya.

Bahkan ada referensi ke lagu “Roxanne” yang terkenal soal kehidupan pekerja seks 🚦.

Ini makin nekenin betapa nggak adil dunia ini buat cewek-cewek di posisi kayak gini.

Lagu ini juga nyorotin gimana orang-orang sadar sama realitas itu, tapi tetep pura-pura gak denger atau gak liat.

Mereka mungkin kasihan, tapi gak cukup peduli buat melakukan sesuatu.

Di sini kita bisa merasakan nada sinis dari liriknya—seperti menyentil kita yang sering ngeliat tapi nggak bertindak 👀.

Dan pas malam tiba, semuanya berubah.

Kota jadi lebih gelap, lebih keras, dan orang-orang yang tadi nggak keliatan jadi muncul.

Ini seperti metafora bahwa dunia punya dua sisi, dan ketika matahari terbenam, sisi gelap itu mulai beraksi 🌑.

Gimana menurut kalian? Pernah ngalamin atau liat kejadian kayak gini? Share ke temen atau keluarga biar kita makin sadar sama realitas ini✨!

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
2. Album When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
3. Kapan lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
5. Siapa Produser lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
6. Siapa Pencipta lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
7. Siapa Additional Recording lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
8. Siapa Vokalis lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
9. Siapa Gitaris Rhythm lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
10. Siapa Bass Guitar lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
11. Siapa Drummer lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
12. Siapa Engineer Rekaman lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
13. Siapa Mixing lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
14. Siapa Asisten Mixing lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?
15. Siapa Label lagu When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 23 Januari 2006

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Lirik, MeLirik,
When The Sun Goes Down, Arctic Monkeys, When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys,
lirik When The Sun Goes Down, lirik Arctic Monkeys, lirik When The Sun Goes Down Arctic Monkeys, Lagu W, Musisi A,
lagu gratis, lagu lagu, lagu terbaru, lirik, lirik lagu, Ulasan, Makna lagu, kapanlagi, azlyrics, sonora, kompas, tribun, lirik lagu indonesia, arti lagu, cover lagu,

Kategori Musisi:
Band Inggris,

Orang Terkait:
Jim Abbiss, Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Matt Helders, Andy Nicholson, Alan Smyth, Alex Turner, Alex Turner, Andy Nicholson, Matt Helders, Ewan Davies, Jim Abbiss, Barny, Owen Skinner, Domino Recording Company

Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Indie, Rock

Tanggal Terkait:
23, Januari, 2006, 23 Januari, Januari 2006, 23 Januari 2006


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