Lirik Put Your Dukes Up John Arctic Monkeys ceritaIN tentang arti menyoroti pengkhianatan dan persaingan dalam mengejar popularitas, serta menekankan pentingnya perlawanan dan adaptasi untuk bertahan hidup.
Musisi | : | Arctic Monkeys |
Judul | : | Put Your Dukes Up John |
Pencipta | : | The Little Flames |
Album | : | Leave Before The Lights Come On |
Rilis | : | 14 Agustus 2006 |
Produser | : | Mike Crossey |
Genre | : | Indie, Rock |
Makna Lagu |
Lirik Put Your Dukes Up John · Arctic Monkeys
Bait 1:
Just put your dukes up, John
Yeah, put your dukes up, John
You were preened and sanitised
Struck dumb by good advice
Your integrity was bruised
Your celebrity a ruse
They pulled the rug from under
Made way for new pretenders
(Change your tune and change your hair)
Put your dukes up, John
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
Put your dukes up, John
(Change your tune and change your hair)
Put your dukes up, John
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
Put your dukes up, John
And be a C-Y-N-I-C
Be a C-Y-N-I-C
Bait 2:
The profit margin blinds them
They groomed and ostracised him
His calm makes my blood boil
His calm makes my blood boil
(Change your tune and change your hair)
Put your dukes up, John
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
Put your dukes up, John
(Change your tune and change your hair)
Put your dukes up, John
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
Put your dukes up, John
And be a C-Y-N-I-C
Be a C-Y-N-I-C
(Change your tune and change your hair
Or you’re not going anywhere
Change your tune and change your hair
Or you’re not going anywhere)
Change your tune and change your hair
Or you’re not going anywhere
Change your tune and change your hair
Or you’re not going anywhere
(Change your tune and change your hair)
And be a C-Y-N-I-C
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
And be a C-Y-N-I-C
(Change your tune and change your hair)
And be a C-Y-N-I-C
(Or you’re not going anywhere)
And be a C-Y-N-I-C

Interaksi Video
No. | Tanggal | |||
1 | 293.210 | 5.000 | 54 | 24 Maret 2025 |
… | ||||
27 |
Tentang Lagu Put Your Dukes Up John | Arctic Monkeys
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Album Arctic Monkeys:
Album: Leave Before The Lights Come On, 14 Agustus 2006
Album: AM, 06 September 2013
Album: Beneath the Boardwalk, 01 Januari 2004
Album: Brianstorm - Single, 16 April 2007
Album: Don’t Sit Down ’Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair, 16 April 2011
Album: Favourite Worst Nightmare, 18 April 2007
Album: Humbug, 16 November 2009
Album: Humbug (Bonus Track Version), 19 September 2009
Album: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 17 Oktober 2005
Album: Live at the Royal Albert Hall, 04 Desember 2020
Album: My Propeller - Single, 13 Desember 2014
Album: Suck It and See, 31 Oktober 2011
Album: The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala, 15 Agustus 2011
Album: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, 11 Mei 2018
Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, 23 Februari 2006
Album: Who The F*** Are Arctic Monkeys?, 22 April 2006
MeLirik Lagu Put Your Dukes Up John
Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya
1. Arctic Monkeys?
Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?
Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.
2. musikIN
Gimana sih ceritanya lagu “Put Your Dukes Up, John”?
Kayaknya ini lagu tentang si John yang udah di-PHP-in dan dibuang begitu aja setelah nggak terkenal lagi.
Kasian banget, udah di-manis-manisin, eh ujung-ujungnya di-gulingin!
Sedih deh!
Pokoknya, lagu ini bilang, “John, ayo lawan!” Udah saatnya John ubah penampilan dan gaya biar bisa balik lagi ke atas.
Kalo nggak, ya selamanya cuma jadi penonton.
Jangan mau kalah gitu aja!
Eh ternyata, yang ngebuang John itu cuma orang-orang mata duitan.
Mereka cuma liat untungnya aja.
John yang kalem malah bikin mereka sebel.
Gimana nggak kesel, ya kan?
Jadi, intinya, kita harus lebih hati-hati sama orang, jangan mudah percaya.
Terus, kita juga harus berani berjuang dan jangan takut berubah biar bisa bertahan.
Lagu ini keren banget!
Ajak temen-temen dan keluarga dengerin juga, yuk!
3. namamu disini
Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?
ceritaIN ceritamu di sini
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu
Suka menulis?
Mau menghasilkan dari tulisan mu?
Yuk mulai #hidupdariKARYA
Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu
Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.
pasangIN iklanmu di sini!
GRATIS iklan pertama.
Bonus review produk untuk 27 pengiklan pertama.
Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 14 Agustus 2006
Kata kunci sering dicari:
Lirik, MeLirik,
Bagas Radityo,
Put Your Dukes Up John, Arctic Monkeys, Put Your Dukes Up John Arctic Monkeys,
lirik Put Your Dukes Up John, lirik Arctic Monkeys, lirik Put Your Dukes Up John Arctic Monkeys, Lagu P, Musisi A,
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Kategori Musisi:
Band Inggris,
Orang Terkait:
Mike Crossey, The Little Flames
Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Indie, Rock
Tanggal Terkait:
14, Agustus, 2006, 14 Agustus, Agustus 2006, 14 Agustus 2006
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