Chord Cornerstone · Arctic Monkeys

Chord Cornerstone · Arctic Monkeys (A) [asli]

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Chord Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys ceritaIN tentang arti susah banget move on dari mantannya, sampai-sampai dia salah sangka terus, tapi akhirnya nemu sedikit harapan dari adik mantannya. 🎸


Musisi:Arctic Monkeys
Pencipta:Alex Turner
Rilis:16 November 2009
Produser:James Ford
Genre:Indie, Rock
Makna Lagu↗️

Chord Cornerstone · Arctic Monkeys


Bait 1:
I thought I saw you in the Battleship
D Bm
but it was only a look-a-like
She was nothing but a vision trick
D Bm
Under the warning light
F#m A F#m
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast
D Bm A F#m A F#m
When I asked her if I could call her your name

Bait 2:
I thought I saw you in the Rusty Hook
D Bm
Huddled up in a wicker chair
I wandered over for a closer look
D Bm
And kissed whoever was sitting there
F#m A F#m
She was close, and she held me very tightly
'Til I asked awfully politely, please
Bm A F#m A F#m E
Can I call you her name

D Bm
And I elongated my lift home,
F#m D
Yeah, I let him go the long way 'round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself


Bait 3:
I thought I saw you in the Parrot's Beak,
D Bm
Messing with the smoke alarm,
It was too loud for me to hear her speak,
D Bm
And she had a broken arm,
F#m A F#m
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letra-set
Bm C#m
No, you can't call me her name

A C#m
Tell me where's your hiding place
A C#m
I'm worried I'll forget your face
And I've asked everyone
Bm E E6 optional here
I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along

D Bm
And I elongated my lift home,
F#m D
Yeah, I let him go the long way 'round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself

A D Bm
A D Bm
F#m Bm

Bait 4:
I saw your sister in the Cornerstone
D Bm
On the phone to the middle man
When I saw that she was on her own
D Bm
I thought she might understand
F#m A F#m
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said I'm really not supposed to but yes,
Bm A
You can call me anything you want

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Tentang Lagu Cornerstone | Arctic Monkeys

Sutradara:Richard Ayoade
Lead Vocals:Alex Turner
Drummer:Matt Helders
Perkussionis:Matt Helders
Bass Guitar:Nick O’Malley
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Acoustic Guitar:Alex Turner
Keyboardis:James Ford
Mastering:Howie Weinberg
Mixing:Rich Costey
Engineer:Alain Johannes
Studio Rekaman:Mission Sound, Brooklyn

Album Arctic Monkeys:

Album: Humbug, 16 November 2009

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2013 C D E F G A B
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505 C D E F G A B
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When The Sun Goes Down C D E F G A B
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The View From The Afternoon C D E F G A B
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Despair In The Departure Lounge C D E F G A B
Album: Who the Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?, 22 April 2006
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Chord | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chord | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu Cornerstone

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. Arctic Monkeys?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

Lagu “Cornerstone” tuh bercerita tentang cowok yang lagi susah move on dari mantannya.

Bayangin, dia berkali-kali salah sangka, ngira cewek yang ditemuinya itu mantannya.

Padahal cuma mirip-mirip aja.

Kasian juga, ya!

Dia bahkan sampai nekat cium cewek yang dia kira mantannya, terus nanya boleh nggak dipanggil pakai nama mantannya. Gagal terus, deh!

Sampai akhirnya dia mulai mikir, jangan-jangan mantannya itu cuma bayangan atau khayalan belaka.

Udah nanya ke banyak orang, tapi tetep aja nggak nemu.

Bener-bener lagi patah hati berat, nih!

Tapi, ada titik terang!

Dia ketemu adik mantannya.

Dan tau nggak?

Adik mantannya malah ngizinin dia panggil dia apa aja.

Kayaknya ini langkah awal dia buat move on, meskipun masih ada rasa sedih yang tersisa.

Nah, bagi kamu yang punya pengalaman serupa, coba share ceritanya ke teman dan keluarga kamu, deh!

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
2. Album Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
3. Kapan lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
5. Siapa Produser lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
6. Siapa Pencipta lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
7. Siapa Sutradara lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
8. Siapa Lead Vocals lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
9. Siapa Drummer lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
10. Siapa Perkussionis lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
11. Siapa Bass Guitar lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
12. Siapa Acoustic Guitar lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
13. Siapa Keyboardis lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
14. Siapa Mastering lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
15. Siapa Mixing lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
16. Siapa Engineer lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?
17. Siapa Studio Rekaman lagu Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 16 November 2009

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Cornerstone, Arctic Monkeys, Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys,
Chord Cornerstone, Chord Arctic Monkeys, Chord Cornerstone Arctic Monkeys, Lagu C, Musisi A,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,

Kategori Musisi:
Band Inggris,

Orang Terkait:
James Ford, Alex Turner, Richard Ayoade, Alex Turner, Matt Helders, Matt Helders, Nick O’Malley, Alex Turner, James Ford, Howie Weinberg, Rich Costey, Alain Johannes, Mission Sound, Brooklyn

Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Indie, Rock

Tanggal Terkait:
16, November, 2009, 16 November, November 2009, 16 November 2009


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