Chord Catapult Arctic Monkeys ceritaIN tentang arti cowok super karismatik tapi jahat banget, dia mainin perasaan orang dan ninggalin mereka hancur.
Musisi | : | Arctic Monkeys |
Judul | : | Catapult |
Pencipta | : | Alex Turner |
Album | : | Cornerstone – Single |
Rilis | : | 16 November 2009 |
Produser | : | Josh Homme |
Genre | : | Indie, Rock |
Makna Lagu |
Chord Catapult · Arctic Monkeys
Bait 1:
Am A Am
Both sides
A Am A Am A
And softly came the growl from both sides
Am A Am A
And if his whisper splits the mist
Am A Am A
Just think of what he's capable of with his kiss
Am A Am
Nice try
A Am A Am
You cannot turn away but nice try
A Am A Am
Turned your legs to little building blocks
A Am A Am A
And with his index finger flicks you on your socks
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Bait 2:
Am A Am
I go high pitched
A Am A Am A
He'll talk and make your voice sound high pitched
Am A Am
Dread to think if he got you on your own
A Am A Am A
And whispered in your ear in that baritone
Am A Am
It's the same stone
A Am A Am A
His heart was cut out of the same stone
Am A Am
That they used to carve his jaw
A Am A Am A
It's impossible not to feel inferior
Dm Am
And he could catapult you back to your daddy
E Am
Or into any hissing misery
And he will tell you how
the day after a triumph is as hollow
E Am
As the day after a tragedy
Dm Am
He'll extinguish any chance of escape
E Am
When he slaps you on your arse or kisses your nape
Dm Am E Bb
And he's leaving without saying 'Bye'
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Dm Am
And you would queue up to listen to him pissing
E Am
And hang around to watch some poor girl blub
And then they chase him down the avenue
Am E Am
Incessantly pestering him to let 'em join the club
Dm Am
He knows how to put a cork in the foot
E Am
And just how to shut up the charming ones of us
Dm Am E
And I've seen him talking to your lady friend
There's a dust track
Waiting for betrayal
F Dm G E
Where he'll teach you all the bits they missed
Am A Am A
Am A Am A
Am A Am
Nice try
A Am A Am
You cannot turn away but nice try
Am A Am
Nice try
A Am A Am
You cannot turn away but nice try
Am A Am
Nice try
A Am A Am
You cannot turn away but nice try
Am A Am
Nice try
A Am A Am A Am A Am A Am
You cannot turn away but nice try
A Am A Am A Am A Am A
You cannot turn away

Interaksi Video
No. | Tanggal | |||
1 | 998.723 | 15.000 | 193 | 26 Maret 2025 |
… | ||||
27 |
Tentang Lagu Catapult | Arctic Monkeys
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Album Arctic Monkeys:
Album: Cornerstone - Single, 16 November 2009
Album: AM, 06 September 2013
Album: Beneath the Boardwalk, 01 Januari 2004
Album: Brianstorm - Single, 16 April 2007
Album: Don’t Sit Down ’Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair, 16 April 2011
Album: Favourite Worst Nightmare, 18 April 2007
Album: Humbug, 16 November 2009
Album: Humbug (Bonus Track Version), 19 September 2009
Album: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 17 Oktober 2005
Album: Leave Before The Lights Come On, 14 Agustus 2006
Album: Live at the Royal Albert Hall, 04 Desember 2020
Album: My Propeller - Single, 13 Desember 2014
Album: Suck It and See, 31 Oktober 2011
Album: The Car, 21 Oktober 2022
Album: The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala, 15 Agustus 2011
Album: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, 11 Mei 2018
Judul | Chord |
Tranquility Base Hotel And Casino | C D E F G A B |
The Ultracheese | C D E F G A B |
Golden Trunks | C D E F G A B |
Batphone | C D E F G A B |
The Worlds First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip | C D E F G A B |
She Looks Like Fun | C D E F G A B |
One Point Perspective | C D E F G A B |
Anyways | C D E F G A B |
American Sports | C D E F G A B |
Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, 23 Februari 2006
Album: Who The F*** Are Arctic Monkeys?, 22 April 2006
MeLirik Lagu Catapult
Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya
1. Arctic Monkeys?
Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?
Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.
2. musikIN
Lagu “Catapult” dari Arctic Monkeys tuh bukan cuma soal lagu cinta-cintaan biasa, lho!
Di balik melodinya yang mungkin enak didengar, tersimpan pesan yang cukup gelap dan bikin merinding.
Bayangin aja, liriknya menggambarkan sosok cowok super karismatik yang ternyata manipulatif abis.
Dia kayak punya kekuatan gaib gitu, bisa bikin cewek-cewek klepek-klepek, padahal sebenarnya lagi dipermainkan.
Seram, kan?
Kemampuannya nge-kontrol orang lain itu bukan main.
Dia bisa bikin orang merasa rendah diri, seolah-olah cuma boneka yang bisa dia kendalikan seenaknya.
Bayangin deh, bisikannya aja udah bikin orang terhipnotis, apalagi kalo sampai sentuhan fisiknya.
Gimana nggak takut?
Lagian, hatinya kayak batu, dingin dan nggak punya perasaan.
Yang lebih parah lagi, dia seenaknya mempermainkan perasaan orang.
Dia bisa bikin orang patah hati, sedih berkepanjangan, terus ditinggal pergi tanpa pamit.
Enggak cuma itu, dia juga bisa bikin orang-orang jadi obsesif, ngejar-ngejar dia terus menerus, meskipun jelas-jelas udah disakiti.
Bener-bener manipulative banget, ya?
Jadi, intinya, “Catapult” ini mengingatkan kita untuk selalu waspada terhadap orang-orang yang manipulatif.
Jangan sampai kita jadi korbannya!
Yuk, share artikel ini ke teman dan keluarga supaya mereka juga lebih aware dan bisa menjaga diri dari orang-orang yang seperti itu.
Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati, kan?
3. namamu disini
Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?
ceritaIN ceritamu di sini
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu
Suka menulis?
Mau menghasilkan dari tulisan mu?
Yuk mulai #hidupdariKARYA
Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu
Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.
pasangIN iklanmu di sini!
GRATIS iklan pertama.
Bonus review produk untuk 27 pengiklan pertama.
Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 16 November 2009
Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Bella Maidatul,
Catapult, Arctic Monkeys, Catapult Arctic Monkeys,
Chord Catapult, Chord Arctic Monkeys, Chord Catapult Arctic Monkeys, Lagu C, Musisi A,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,
Kategori Musisi:
Band Inggris,
Orang Terkait:
Josh Homme, Alex Turner
Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Indie, Rock
Tanggal Terkait:
16, November, 2009, 16 November, November 2009, 16 November 2009
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