Lirik WE PRAY Coldplay ceritaIN tentang arti harapan dan ketabahan dalam menghadapi hidup, di mana doa menjadi sumber kekuatan dan pendorong untuk terus berjuang menuju masa depan yang lebih baik.
Lirik WE PRAY · Coldplay
And so we pray
Bait 1:
I pray that I don’t give up, pray that I do my best
Pray that I can lift up, pray my brother is blessed
Prayin’ for enough, pray Virgilio wins
Pray I judge nobody and forgive me my sins
I pray we make it, pray my friend will pull through
Pray as I take it unto others, I do
Prayin’ on your love, we pray with every breath
Though I’m in the valley of the shadow of death
And so we pray, for someone to come and show me the way
And so we pray, for some shelter and some records to play
And so we pray, we’ll be singing “Baraye”
Pray that we make it to the end of the day
And so we pray, I know somewhere that Heaven is waitin’
And so we pray, I know somewhere there’s something amazin’
And so we pray, I know somewhere we’ll feel no pain
Until we make it to the end of the day
Bait 2:
I pray that love will shelter us from our fears
Oh I pray you trust to let me wipe off your tears
Confront all the pain that we felt inside
With all the cards we been dealt in life
B N.C.
Pray I speak my truth and keep my sisters alive
So for the ones who parted seas Ah yeah
For the ones who’s followin’ dreams Ah yeah
For the ones who knocked down doors Ah yeah
And allowed us to pass down keys Ah yeah
Pray that we speak with a tongue that is honest
And that we understand how to be modest
Pray when she looks at herself in the mirror
She sees a queen, she sees a goddess
And so we pray, for someone to come and show me the way
And so we pray, for some shelter and some records to play
And so we pray, we’ll be singing “Baraye”
Pray that we make it to the end of the day
And so we pray, I know somewhere that Heaven is waitin’
And so we pray, I know somewhere there’s something amazin’
And so we pray, I know somewhere we’ll feel no pain
Until we make it to the end of the day
Bait 4:
On my knees, I pray, as I sleep and wake
‘Cause inside my head is a frightening place
Keep a smiling face only by His grace
‘Cause love’s more than I can take, yeah
And so we pray, for someone to come and show me the way
And so we pray, for some shelter and some records to play
And so we pray, we’ll be singing “Baraye”
Till nobody’s in need and everybody can say
La la la la la, we pray, we pray
I know somewhere that Heaven is waitin’
I know somewhere there’s something amazin’
Until we feel no pain
La-la-la la-la, we pray, we pray, we pray
La la la la la, we pray, we pray
La la la la la, we pray, we pray
Interaksi Video
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1 | 131.635 | 8.300 | 374 | 24 Januari 2025 |
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Tentang Lagu WE PRAY | Coldplay
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Album Coldplay:
MeLirik Lagu WE PRAY
Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya
1. Coldplay?
Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?
Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.
2. musikIN
Eh, lagu “We Pray”-nya Coldplay itu lho, kayak lagi curhat banget gitu.
Ngomongin soal kegalauan, harapan, dan doa-doa.
Pokoknya isi lagunya tuh doa-doa buat diri sendiri dan orang-orang terdekat.
Sedih, seneng, takut, campur aduk deh.
Terus, banyak banget doa-doanya.
Dari doa supaya gak nyerah, sampai doa buat teman yang sedang susah.
Pokoknya komplit!
Ada rasa syukur juga kok, gak cuma keluhan aja.
Reff-nya itu diulang-ulang terus, kayak pengingat gitu, bahwa berharap dan berdoa itu penting banget.
Lagu ini juga kayak ngasih semangat buat tetap kuat walaupun lagi susah.
Ada harapan akan sesuatu yang lebih baik di masa depan.
Intinya, lagu ini ngajarin kita buat tetap berharap dan berdoa, ya.
Meskipun hidup susah, tetap ada harapan yang bisa dipegang.
Bagus banget laginya, coba share ke temen-temen dan keluarga kamu, siapa tau mereka juga terinspirasi!
3. namamu disini
Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?
ceritaIN ceritamu di sini
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu
Suka menulis?
Mau menghasilkan dari tulisan mu?
Yuk mulai #hidupdariKARYA
Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu
Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.
pasangIN iklanmu di sini!
GRATIS iklan pertama.
Bonus review produk untuk 27 pengiklan pertama.
Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Jumat tanggal 23 Agustus 2024
Kata kunci sering dicari:
Lirik, MeLirik,
Bella Maidatul,
WE PRAY, Coldplay, WE PRAY Coldplay,
lirik WE PRAY, lirik Coldplay, lirik WE PRAY Coldplay, Lagu W, Musisi C,
lagu gratis, lagu lagu, lagu terbaru, lirik, lirik lagu, Ulasan, Makna lagu, kapanlagi, azlyrics, sonora, kompas, tribun, lirik lagu indonesia, arti lagu, cover lagu,
Orang Terkait:
Max Martin, Bill Rahko, Daniel Green, Michael Ilbert, ILYA, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion, Chris Martin, Max Martin, JAY-Z, Little Simz, Burna Boy, ILYA, Elyanna – إليانا, TINI, Davide Rossi, El Dandee, Andrés Torres, Chris Martin, Little Simz, Burna Boy, Elyanna – إليانا, TINI, For Love Choir, Denise Carite, Neka Hamilton, Dorian Holley, Stevie Mackey, Jarrett Johnson, Kara Britz, Nayanna Holley, Nelson Beato, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Max Martin, ILYA, Chris Martin, Max Martin, Chris Martin, ILYA, Daniel Green
Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Pop, Rock
Tanggal Terkait:
23, Agustus, 2024, 23 Agustus, Agustus 2024, 23 Agustus 2024
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