Lirik Oceans & Engines NIKI ceritaIN tentang arti perjuangan move on dari sebuah hubungan yang berakhir, diiringi kenangan indah yang membekas namun dengan tekad untuk memulai hidup baru. 👀
Lirik Oceans & Engines · NIKI
Bait 1:
Saturday sunset
We’re lying on my bed with five hours to go
Fingers entwined and so were our minds
Crying, “I don’t want you to go”
You wiped away tears
But not fears under the still and clear indigo
You said “Baby, don’t cry, we’ll be fine
You’re the one thing I swear I can’t outgrow”
My mother said the younger me was a pretending prodigy
Well, nothing then, much has changed
‘Cause while you’re wolfing down liquor
My soul, it gets sicker
But I’m sticking to the screenplay
Gotta say I’m okay But answer this, babe
How is it now that, somehow, you’re a strangеr?
You were mine just yеsterday
I pray the block in my airway dissipates
And instead deters your airplane’s way
But heaven denied
Destiny decried
Something beautiful died
Too soon
But I’m letting go
I’m giving up the ghost
But don’t get me wrong
I’ll always love you That’s why I wrote you this very last song
I guess this is where we say goodbye
I know I’ll be alright
Someday, I’ll be fine
But just not tonight (Ooh)
Bait 2:
Plunging into all kinds of diversions
Like blush wine and sonorous soirées
But even with gin and surgin’ adrenaline
I see you’re all that can intoxicate
Oceans and engines
You’re skilled at infringin’ on great love affairs
Cause now my heart’s home
All I’ve known is long gone and ten thousand miles away
And I’m not okay
But I’m letting go
I’m giving up the ghost
But don’t get me wrong
I’ll always love you That’s why I wrote you this very last song
I guess this is where we say goodbye
I know I’ll be alright
But just not —
Tonight was the first time I stared into seas of beguiling sepia two years ago
And the first time I learned real world superpowers lived in three words, they revitalize my fraying bones
Now what do you do when your pillar crumbled down You’ve lost all solid ground
Both dreams and demons drowned And this void’s all you’ve found
And doubts light it aglow
I have so many questions
But I’m pouring them into the ocean
And I’m starting up my engine
But I’m letting go
I’m giving up your ghost
It’s come to a close
I marked the end with this last song I wrote
I’m letting go
This is the last falsetto I’ll ever sing to you
My great lost love
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Tentang Lagu Oceans & Engines | NIKI
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Album NIKI:
MeLirik Lagu Oceans & Engines
Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya
1. NIKI?
Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?
Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.
2. musikIN
Lagu NIKI yang judulnya “Oceans & Engines” ini sedih banget, pokoknya curhatan patah hati tingkat dewa!.
Bayangin aja, dia lagi inget-inget momen manis terakhir sama mantannya.
Tapi langsung disusul rasa sakit yang nggak ketulungan pas harus pisah. Sedih banget, deh!😭.
Dia berusaha banget move on, coba segala macam cara, tapi tetep aja bayangan mantan masih ngikutin terus.
Udah minum-minum, party, tetep aja percuma, rasanya kayak tenggelam di laut yang luas banget, sendirian gitu.
Miris banget! 😔.
Nah, pas bagian bridge-nya, ini bener-bener bikin mewek!.
Dia flashback ke masa-masa indah dulu, eh sekarang semuanya udah hancur lebur.
Kayak pondasi hidupnya runtuh aja, nggak ada pegangan lagi.
Tapi, akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk bangkit dan memulai hidup baru. Salut banget sama dia! 👍.
Meskipun patah hati berat banget, dia masih tetep ngucapin cinta buat mantannya.
Lagu ini jadi surat perpisahan terakhirnya, kayak dia lagi ngelepas hantu masa lalu.
Tapi tetep berharap suatu hari nanti bakal baik-baik aja.
Hebat banget, ya, dia kuat banget! 💖.
Share deh lagu ini ke temen-temen dan keluarga kamu yang lagi galau atau patah hati.
Biar mereka tahu, kalo lagi sedih gini, mereka nggak sendirian kok! 🤗.
3. namamu disini
Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?
ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu
Suka menulis?
Mau menghasilkan dari tulisan mu?
Yuk mulai #hidupdariKARYA
Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu
Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.
pasangIN iklanmu di sini!
GRATIS iklan pertama.
Bonus review produk untuk 27 pengiklan pertama.
Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Jumat tanggal 08 Juli 2022
Kata kunci sering dicari:
Lirik, MeLirik,
Ahmad Alveyn,
Oceans & Engines, NIKI, Oceans & Engines NIKI,
lirik Oceans & Engines, lirik NIKI, lirik Oceans & Engines NIKI, Lagu O, Musisi N,
lagu gratis, lagu lagu, lagu terbaru, lirik, lirik lagu, Ulasan, Makna lagu, kapanlagi, azlyrics, sonora, kompas, tribun, lirik lagu indonesia, arti lagu, cover lagu,
Orang Terkait:
Jacob Ray, NIKI, NIKI, Kristin Andersson, Marla Vazquez, Lili Eve Kaytmaz, Kristin Andersson, Deshauna, Lili Eve Kaytmaz, Athena Alberto, Zak Stoltz, Zoë Simone-Yi, JA Collective, Alisha Silverstein, Francesca M, Kiona Vickroy, Athena Mesina, Molly Danielle Wilcox, Isabel Rodriguez, DIVISION7, Dante Pasquinelli, Sutton York, Henry Kaplan, Ruben Brionnes, Naby Dakhli, Isaac Ravishankara, Elizabeth Doonan, Daniel Yaro, Trevor Taylor, NIKI, NIKI, Noah McCorkle, Nate Mingo, Fili Filizzola, Dale Becker, Kobalt Music, 88rising, 88rising, 88rising, 88rising, 88rising, Jacob Ray
Hal Terkait:
Musik Indonesia, Pop
Tanggal Terkait:
08, Juli, 2022, 08 Juli, Juli 2022, 08 Juli 2022
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