Chord Shots · Imagine Dragons, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap

Chord Shots · Imagine Dragons, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap (G) [asli]

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Chord Shots Imagine Dragons ceritaIN tentang arti penyesalan besar yang berujung pada hubungan hancur, tapi masih ada secercah harapan untuk berubah. 🎸


Musisi:Imagine Dragons
Pencipta:Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee feat Daniel Platzman
Album:Reflections (from the Vault of Smoke + Mirrors)
Rilis:26 Januari 2015
Produser:Imagine Dragons
Genre:Pop, Rock
Makna Lagu↗️

Chord Shots · Imagine Dragons

I'm sorry for everything
Oh everything I've done
G Bm Asus4 A
G Bm Asus4 A

Bait 1:
G Bm
Am I out of touch?
Am I out of my place?
When I keep saying that I'm looking for an empty space
G Bm
Oh, I'm wishin' you were here
But I'm wishin' you were gone
I can't have you and I'm only gonna do you wrong
G Bm
Oh, I'm gonna mess this up
Oh, this is just my luck
Over and over and over again

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born
It seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot shot shot a hole through everything I loved
I shot shot shot a hole through
Every single thing that I loved

G Bm Asus4 A

Bait 2:
G Bm
Am I out of luck?
Am I waiting to break?
When I keep saying that I'm looking for a way to escape
G Bm
Oh, I'm wishin' I had
What I'd taken for granted
I can't help you when I'm only gonna do you wrong
G Bm
Oh, I'm gonna mess this up
Oh, this is just my luck
Over and over and over again

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born
It seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot shot shot a hole through everything I loved
I shot shot shot a hole through
Every single thing that I loved

In the meantime We let it go At the roadside, we used to know
We can let this drift away Oh, we let this drift away
At the bayside we used to show In the moonlight we let it go
We can let this drift away Oh, we let this drift away
And there's always time to change your mind Oh, there's always time to change your mind
Oh love, can you hear me? Oh, let it drift away

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born
It seems I had a loaded gun
Bm Bm
And then I shot shot shot a hole through everything I loved
I shot shot shot a hole through
Every single thing that I loved

In the meantime
We let it go
At the roadside, we used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away
At the bayside, you used to show
At the roadside, we used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away
And there's always time to change your mind
Oh there's always time to change your mind
Oh love, can you hear me?
Oh, let it drift away

G Bm Asus4 A
G Bm Asus4 A

YouTube Thumbnail
Interaksi Video
115.3851.4005224 Februari 2025

Tentang Lagu Shots | Imagine Dragons

Artwork:Tim Cantor
Video Production Designer:Lenny Tso
Video Director Of Photography:Todd Banhazl
Sutradara:Robert Hales
Synthesizer:Ben McKee
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Hak Cipta:Oy Music
Asisten Mixing:Ike Schultz feat Chris Galland
Engineer Rekaman:Robert Root
Publisher:KIDinaKORNER feat Universal Music Group
Distributor:Music Distribution123
Manufacturer:Music Distribution123
Mixing:Manny Marroquin
Mastering:Joe LaPorta
Komposer:Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee feat Daniel Platzman
Perkussionis:Daniel Platzman feat Dan Reynolds
Drum:Daniel Platzman
Bassist:Ben McKee
Gitaris:Wayne Sermon
Vokalis:Dan Reynolds
Label:Interscope Records feat KIDinaKORNER
Studio Rekaman:Ragged Insomnia Studio (Las Vegas, NV)

Album Imagine Dragons:

Album: Reflections (from the Vault of Smoke + Mirrors), 21 Februari 2025

Who We Are C D E F G A B
Wariorr C D E F G A B
Trouble C D E F G A B
Theif C D E F G A B
The Unkown C D E F G A B
Summer C D E F G A B
Shots C D E F G A B
Second Chances C D E F G A B
Release C D E F G A B
Polaroid C D E F G A B
Monster C D E F G A B
It Comes Back To You C D E F G A B
Friction C D E F G A B
Smoke and Mirrors C D E F G A B
Album: EVOLVE, 18 Desember 2024
Believer C D E F G A B
Album: LOOM, 18 Oktober 2024
Take Me To The Beach C D E F G A B
Album: Origins, 06 November 2018
Bad Liar C D E F G A B
Hopeless Opus C D E F G A B
Gold C D E F G A B
Destroyed C D E F G A B
I’m So Sorry C D E F G A B
Dream C D E F G A B
Dare U C D E F G A B
Album: Smoke + Mirrors, 27 Oktober 2015
The Fall C D E F G A B
I Bet My Life C D E F G A B
Album: The Itch, 21 Februari 2025
Woke C D E F G A B
The Journey C D E F G A B
The Ghost Intervention C D E F G A B
Strange Ways C D E F G A B
Playin’ Me C D E F G A B
Monica C D E F G A B
Mayday C D E F G A B
Cowboy C D E F G A B
Black C D E F G A B
My Car C D E F G A B
I Get Carried Away C D E F G A B
Chord | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chord | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu Shots

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. Imagine Dragons?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

Lagu “Shots” dari Imagine Dragons?

Bukan cuma sekedar lagu, tapi kayak curhatan jujur banget soal penyesalan.

Bayangin deh, seseorang yang udah bikin berantakan banyak hal, hubungannya hancur, dan dia sendiri kalut banget ngerasain beban itu.

Bener-bener bikin merinding!


Dia kayak lagi tersesat, nggak tau harus ke mana.

Mau sendiri, tapi juga pengen ada orang tersayang di sisinya.

Sayangnya, dia tau banget kalo dirinya cuma bakal nyakitin orang itu terus menerus.

Jebakan batman deh pokoknya, nggak bisa lepas dari lingkaran setan.

Bagian “loaded gun” itu, genius banget!

Metafora yang pas banget buat menggambarkan gimana dia, entah sengaja atau nggak, udah nyakitin orang-orang terdekatnya.

Luka yang ditimbulkan pun dalam banget.

Di bagian bridge, ada secercah harapan.

Dia berusaha melepaskan masa lalu yang kelam, dan pengen banget berubah.

Tapi, sukses nggak ya?

Itu yang bikin lagu ini berkesan.

Kita dibiarkan berpikir sendiri tentang akhirnya.

Nah, bagi kalian yang pernah ngerasain hal serupa, share aja link artikel ini ke temen dan keluarga! Mungkin mereka juga bisa relate sama lagu ini. 😊.

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
2. Album Shots Imagine Dragons?
3. Kapan lagu Shots Imagine Dragons dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
5. Siapa Produser lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
6. Siapa Pencipta lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
7. Siapa Artwork lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
8. Siapa Video Production Designer lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
9. Siapa Video Director Of Photography lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
10. Siapa Sutradara lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
11. Siapa Synthesizer lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
12. Siapa Hak Cipta lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
13. Siapa Asisten Mixing lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
14. Siapa Engineer Rekaman lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
15. Siapa Publisher lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
16. Siapa Distributor lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
17. Siapa Manufacturer lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
18. Siapa Mixing lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
19. Siapa Mastering lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
20. Siapa Komposer lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
21. Siapa Perkussionis lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
22. Siapa Drum lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
23. Siapa Bassist lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
24. Siapa Gitaris lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
25. Siapa Vokalis lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
26. Siapa Label lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?
27. Siapa Studio Rekaman lagu Shots Imagine Dragons?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 26 Januari 2015

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Bella Maidatul,
Shots, Imagine Dragons, Shots Imagine Dragons,
Chord Shots, Chord Imagine Dragons, Chord Shots Imagine Dragons, Lagu S, Musisi I,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,

Kategori Musisi:
Band Amerika Serikat,

Orang Terkait:
Imagine Dragons, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Tim Cantor, Lenny Tso, Todd Banhazl, Robert Hales, Ben McKee, Oy Music, Ike Schultz, Chris Galland, Robert Root, KIDinaKORNER, Universal Music Group, Music Distribution123, Music Distribution123, Manny Marroquin, Joe LaPorta, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Daniel Platzman, Dan Reynolds, Daniel Platzman, Ben McKee, Wayne Sermon, Dan Reynolds, Interscope Records, KIDinaKORNER, Ragged Insomnia Studio (Las Vegas, NV)

Hal Terkait:
Musik Amerika Serikat, Pop, Rock

Tanggal Terkait:
26, Januari, 2015, 26 Januari, Januari 2015, 26 Januari 2015


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