Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay · Raisa, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap

Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay · Raisa, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap (F) [asli]

Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa ceritaIN tentang arti santai aja gapapa kok lagi ga baik-baik aja, selalu ada harapan di hari esok. 🎸


Judul:It’s Okay To Not Be Okay
Rilis:12 Februari 2025
Makna Lagu↗️

Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay · Raisa

Bait 1:
You're an overthinker, mee to
A chronic people pleaser, guess who
A#m G#m7
And you think everyone cares as much as you do
Emaj7 C#
Hate to break it to you, they don't

Let's figure this together, it's cool
Layer after layer, no rules
Every emotion's a welcome
To think Imma judge you
I won't, I won't

And I say it's okay to not be okay
A#7 D#7
Cause you know you can count on me anyway
G#7 C#7
You just had a bad day, doesn't happen every day
C#m7 F#7
And the sun keeps shining through if you say
It's okay to not be okay
Doesn't mean that trouble's gonna go away
G#m A#m7 B
Give yourself a break and pick another day
You’ll figure it out

You have to be a fighter it's true
Let's come out a winner me and you
A#m7 G#m7
All those troublemakers attention seekers
Emaj7 C#sus4
They've got nothing on us
D C#m7 F#
Love doesn't seem to go your way
Dmaj7 C#m7 C#sus4
Your way dust yourself off and come walk in
And I say it's okay to not be okay
A#m7 A#m
You can count on me anyway
D#7 G#m7
You just had a bad day, doesn't happen every day

C#m7 Bmaj7
And I say it's okay to not be okay
E7 A#m7 D#7
Cause you know you can count on me anyway
You just had a bad day doesn't happen every day
C#m7 F#7 D#m
And the sun keeps shining through, you say...
It's okay to not be okay
B A#m D#7
Doesn't mean that trouble's gonna go away
G#m7 A#m7 Bmaj7
Give yourself a break and make another day
I figured we have
It's okay to not be okay
A#m D#7 G#m7
It's okay
C#m7 F#7
Tomorrow's another day oh
A#m D#7
It's okay to not be okay
G#7 A#m7 G#m7 Bmaj7 Bm7
It's okay we'll figure it out
A#m7 A#m D#7 C#
It's okay to not be okay
C#7 G#7
Tomorrow's another day oh
It's okay to not be okay
D#7 G#7
Tomorrow's another day
A#m B
It's okay we'll figure it out
YouTube Thumbnail
Interaksi Video
134.5011.80024615 Februari 2025

Tentang Lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay | Raisa

Komposer:Raisa Andriana, Lafa Pratomo, Gusti Irwan Wibowo
Musik Produser:Lafa Pratomo
Vocal Direct & Edit:Barsena Bestandhi
Backing Vocal:Meikelin Yopitania S (Eckel) feat Feli Wattimena (Feli)
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Mastering:Dimas Pradipta
Eksekutif Produser:JUNI Records

Album Raisa:

Chord | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chord | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. Raisa?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

“It’s Okay To Not Be Okay,” bukan sekadar lagu, tapi sebuah penyemangat.

Rasanya kayak dikasih pelukan hangat saat lagi merasa jatuh. Liriknya ngena banget, ga cuma buat yang lagi down, tapi juga buat siapa aja yang pernah merasa ga sempurna 🤗.

Siapa yang ga pernah overthinking atau berusaha menyenangkan semua orang? 😟.

Lagu ini bilang kalo itu semua normal kok. Merasa sedih, kecewa, atau ga oke itu manusiawi. Ga perlu dipaksa untuk selalu kuat.

Reff dan bridge-nya bener-bener penyemangat jiwa! Kita diingatkan bahwa selalu ada orang yang bisa diandalkan dan selalu ada kesempatan baru setiap hari 🌞.

Jadi, ini bukan cuma lagu, tapi juga teman. Sebuah pengingat untuk menerima diri sendiri apa adanya dan tau bahwa kita ga sendirian.

Share artikel ini ke temen-temen kamu yuk! Mungkin mereka juga butuh dengerin lagu ini! Semoga bisa jadi penyemangat ya 🤗.

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
2. Album It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
3. Kapan lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
5. Siapa Performer lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
6. Siapa Komposer lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
7. Siapa Musik Produser lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
8. Siapa Vocal Direct & Edit lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
9. Siapa Backing Vocal lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
10. Siapa Mixing lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
11. Siapa Mastering lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?
12. Siapa Eksekutif Produser lagu It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Rabu tanggal 12 Februari 2025

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Ismi Merlinda,
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay, Raisa, It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa,
Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay, Chord Raisa, Chord It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Raisa, Lagu I, Musisi R,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,

Orang Terkait:
Raisa, Raisa Andriana, Lafa Pratomo, Gusti Irwan Wibowo, Lafa Pratomo, Barsena Bestandhi, Meikelin Yopitania S (Eckel), Feli Wattimena (Feli), Stevano, Dimas Pradipta, JUNI Records

Hal Terkait:
Musik Indonesia, Pop

Tanggal Terkait:
12, Februari, 2025, 12 Februari, Februari 2025, 12 Februari 2025


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