10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook : #FridayIsEnglishDay6

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -www.motivasi-islami,com

What is The Best Topic To Make Good Ebook?

How to make good ebook
There are 10 ways to make
All of us just need to took
Good topic and do not bake

Salam Mas Bro and Mbak Bro

How to make good ebook?

And than what is the best topic to make good ebook?

Today, we have not to go to library or book store to get a new book. There are a lot of book can find in internet. We call it ebook, electronic book. Ebook is a form of document file that can we only open with computer.

Than, how to make good ebook?

What is the best topic to make good ebook?

Actually there are 10 ways how to make good ebook.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -www.micpublishing.co,id

1. Choose The Best Topic

Best topic in this part is mean topic that we mastered. This is very important. If we make decision take topic that we are not mastered yet. We need more time to learn about it. But if we choose and take topic that we mastered. We just make it and no more time for wasting to learn about it.

Best topic in this part also mean something that we love or have done. Do something we love always produce best result. It will greater if we have done it.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay - Sumber Gambar www.ilmuwebsite,com

2. Spesify The Destination

The willingness to make it a good book but a will without purpose is misguided


Do you agree about that Mas Bro and Mbak Bro?

I hope you do but if you do not. We need to talk more. For an example, playing football. Most people just looking for make a goal. But some people just for fun.

This is the different. We want to make ebook for what purpose?

Just for make money? We failed.

Let us take a look to story of “My Stupid Boss”, the story for the beginning just want to shared. What happenned to him to be a lesson for others. But somehow the story is good and than it make as an idea to make a film.

There are much destinations are better than just making money”


Just find yours.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay - Sumber Gambar www.akuinginsukses,com

3. Make A Frame

Frame is a limit and guidence to make the ebook. So that we are not go to the wrong way. Because in this part we have to make background story, process, climax of the ebook, and closing. The frame will build the story becomes more interesting.

In this part also do not forget to instill moral message in the ebook. It is has closes connection with the second way “Spesify The Destination”.

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Remember for the beginning, to make the frame has its own difficulties. Enjoy the process and do not hurry to make it. The frame is the best thing Ways How To Make Good Ebook.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -Sumber Gambar www.denbagus,com

4. Do The Easiest Part

Most people will start from the background story. But this is not a secret anymore. That many people has a problem to finish ebook  systematically especially who do it first time. If you has a same problem just do the easiest part. Do the part you like more than other.

Some people will start from the end or the climax of the ebook. Because both of it is the most remember after reading a book. So give more attention to both of that part.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -Sumber Gambar -www.satujam,com

5. Ask Close Friend of Family to Read it First

We can not say no that after done a book. There is boredom to read it again. To makesure for what we have done. Ask close friend of family to read it first.

First reason, the ebook will be publish. So do not let random people to evaluate it. Just person you really trust. Second, people that we trust must give input improvements. It may hard for hearing. So makesure we ask for the right man. Based on experience close friend of family will give us more confidence and motivation.

The last thing and the best part of this part is do not ask for one person. We need a comparison. So we need at least 2 people. To camparison their input for aour ebook.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay - Sumber Gambar tntone.hexat,com

6. Repair is An Advantage

“Do not let our spirit get down if there is repairing”


Keep spirit if there are any repairing for our ebook. Just imaging how if we just publish it and than there is a part need to evaluate. For next ebook, people will not like to read our ebook.

Simple right.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay - Sumber Gambar - www.ceritamu,com

7. Do Again : Ask Close Friend of Family to Read it First

Just do like the first before and ask for the same person. For better results, we can ask for addition friend and familiy to read it.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay - Sumber Gambar akarpadinews,com


8. Give The Best and Relevan Cover

The contents are important but the appearance is the door.”


Make a good cover for our ebook. Make colourful cover and unique. If we can not make ourself. We asking for anyone. We can find it in internet. Asking for help from freelancer.

Good content with bad cover is not a good one.

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -Sumber Gambar www.dokterbisnis,net

9. Publish For The Close Friend and Family First

In the business, marketing has always spent the most budget”


In this part we do not need to the same error. Make your family and friend as the first target. If the love us they will buy it. To appreciate you for making that. Just sell your ebook to them.

If the book is good, you do not need to ask them for promote it. But they will.


Because they are our close friend and close family, right?

10 Ways How To Make Good Ebook - #FridayIsEnglishDay -Sumber Gambar fazaw.blogspot,com

10. Do Promote In Your Way

Beside promote from close friend and close family. Do not forget to do promote ourself. Just use a website and social media. For the first time maybe it will not give big results. But this promote need to do consistently.

In the process we will not realizing the results will come slowly.

I hope useful Mas Bro and Mbak Bro.

Nice to share with all you guys.

We do not know what to do
If we do not know the target
Do not be like Scooby Do
Only food that it want to get

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Just make your comment below Mas Bro / Mbak Bro

Bake = membakar
Took = mengambil
Mastered = kuasai
Produce = menghasilkan
Confidence = percaya diri

Tembalang, Semarang
00:43 pm May 27th 2016
Tulisan Kita
Writing By Kita

Picture Resources
www.ceritamu.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
akarpadinews.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
tntone.hexat.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.akuinginsukses.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th
www.ilmuwebsite.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.dokterbisnis.net accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.micpublishing.co.id accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.motivasi-islami.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
fazaw.blogspot.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.denbagus.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016
www.satujam.com accessed at 01:37 pm in Friday, May 27th 2016

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