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Chord Me Lirik Night Changes | One Direction
Gimana si lirik lagu Yakinlah itu? dan siapa sih yang menciptakan lagu itu?
salam #MasBro #Mba bro
Hallo readers!!
Bagaimana nih kabar kalian? semoga kalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat walafiat yaa, aamiin. Sekarang kita bakal bahas lirik lagu yakinlah nihh. Kalian udah tau atau belum tentang lagu itu? kalau belum mari kita baca artikel ini.
Musisi : One Direction
Judul Lagu : Night Changes
Pencipta : –
Album : Four
Rilis : 2014
Produser : –
Genre : –
[Intro] Going out tonight, changes into something red Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress Everything she never had she's showing off Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hair She said it was something that she won't forget Having no regrets is all that she really wants
[Chorus] We're only getting older baby And I've been thinking about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes It will never change me and you
[Intro] Chasing her tonight, doubts are running 'round her head He's waiting, hides behind his cigarette Heart is beating loud, she doesn't want it to stop Moving too fast, moon is lighting up her skin She's falling, doesn't even know it yet Having no regrets is all that she really wants
[Chorus] We're only getting older baby And I've been thinking about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes It will never change me and you [Intro]
[Overtone] Going out tonight, changes into something red Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress Reminds her of a missing piece of innocence she lost
We're only getting older baby And I've been thinking about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there's nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes It will never change, baby It will never change, baby It will never change me and you
Tentang Satru | Me Lirik Night Changes | One Direction
Penulis Cerita : –
Arr : –
Bass :- Saxo : –
Keyboard : –
Video : –
Pembantu sutradara : –
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Me Lirik Night Changes | One Direction
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Lirik Lagu Satru | Denny Caknan X Happy Asmara. chordindonesia.com dibuka pukul 12:25 WIB pada hari Senin tanggal 19 April 2021
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