Chord Two Faced Linkin Park ceritaIN tentang arti rasa frustasi dan kekacauan batin karena merasa dikhianati oleh seseorang yang sangat dipercaya.🎸
Chord Two Faced · Linkin Park
Intro: Emily Armstrong
C#5 D5 C#5 D5
Kniht flesym raeh t'nac I
C#5 D5 C#5 D5
Kniht flesym raeh t'nac I
C#5 D5 C#5 D5 C#5 D5 C#5 D5
Get right
Bait 1: Mike Shinoda
C#5 D5
Last time, I was hanging by a thread
C#5 D5
Trying to say I'm not but I'm in it over my head
C#5 D5
That's when I figured out where it led
C#5 D5
Beginning to realize that you put me over the edge
Pre-Reff: Mike Shinoda
C#5 D5
Your truth's not rigid, your rules aren't fair
C#5 D5
The dark's too vivid, the light's not there
C#5 D5
I start to give in, but I can't bear
C#5 D5
To put it all behind, I run into it blind like
Reff: Emily Armstrong
Two faced
F#m E C#
Caught in the middle
A C#
Caught in the middle
Too late
F#m E C#
Counting to zero
Counting to zero
C#m F#m
You should have recognized
E C# Am C#
It's too late for choosing sides
Two faced
Caught in the middle
E C#
Caught in the middle
Two faced!
Bait 2: Mike Shinoda
C#5 D5
Last time, you told me it wasn't true
C#5 D5
And pointing every finger at things that you didn't do
C#5 D5
So that's why I kept missing the clues
C#5 D5
And never realized that the one that did it was you
Pre-Reff: Mike Shinoda
C#5 D5
Your truth's not rigid, your rules aren't fair
C#5 D5
The dark's too vivid, the light's not there
C#5 D5
I start to give in, but I can't bear
C#5 D5
To put it all behind, I run into it blind like
Reff: Emily Armstrong
Two faced
F#m E C#
Caught in the middle
A C#
Caught in the middle
Too late
F#m E C#
Counting to zero
Counting to zero
C#m F#m
You should have recognized
E C# Am C#
It's too late for choosing sides
Two faced
Caught in the middle
E C#
Caught in the middle
Two faced!
Bridge: Emily Armstrong
I can't hear myself think
I can't hear myself think
I can't hear myself think
Breakdown: Emily Armstrong
C#5 E D C#m D C#5 D
Stop yelling at me
C#5 D5
I can't hear myself think Yeah
C#m E D
Stop yelling at me
C#m E D
Stop yelling at me
C#m E D
Stop yelling at me
Reff: Emily Armstrong
Two faced
F#m E C#
Caught in the middle
A C#
Caught in the middle
Too late
F#m E C#
Counting to zero
Counting to zero
C#m F#m
You should have recognized
E C# Am C#
It's too late for choosing sides
Two faced
Caught in the middle
Caught in the middle
Post-Reff: Emily Armstrong
Caught in the middle
Caught in the middle
Caught in the middle
E C#5 D5 C#5 D5
Caught in the middle (Two faced)
Outro: Emily Armstrong, Mike Shinoda
Is that what it is?
That's what it is
We're on the same page right now
Interaksi Video
No. | 👀 | 👍 | 💬 | Tanggal |
1 | 2.589.742 | 294.000 | 20.519 | 14 November 2024 |
… | ||||
27 |
Tentang Lagu Two Faced | Linkin Park
Vokalis | : | Emily Armstrong feat Mike Shinoda |
Programmer | : | Mr. Hahn |
Mixing | : | Rich Costey |
Mastering | : | Emerson Mancini |
Gitaris | : | Brad Delson |
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Album Linkin Park:
Baca Juga:
Album: From Zero, 14 November 2024
MeLirik Lagu Two Faced
Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya
1. Linkin Park?
Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?
Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.
2. musikIN
Lagu ini punya vibe yang penuh dengan rasa frustasi dan kekacauan batin karena merasa dikhianati oleh seseorang yang sangat dipercaya.
Dari bait pertama, kita bisa lihat si penyanyi merasa seperti “tergantung di ujung benang” dan menyadari kalau situasi yang dia hadapi justru semakin menjerumuskannya.
Ini adalah kisah tentang perlahan sadar kalau orang yang dianggap teman ternyata punya dua wajah😤.
Di pre-chorus, ada perasaan terperangkap antara kebenaran yang dirasa fleksibel dan aturan yang tidak adil.
Di satu sisi, si penyanyi ingin menyerah, tapi sulit baginya untuk menutup mata begitu saja.
Ini semacam pergulatan batin yang membuatnya semakin bingung, bingung harus lari atau tetap bertahan.
Bagian reff-nya benar-benar menunjukkan tema “two-faced” alias bermuka dua.
Si penyanyi merasa “terjebak di tengah,” tidak tahu harus memilih sisi mana, dan sudah terlambat untuk berpihak.
Perasaan terombang-ambing di antara kebohongan dan kenyataan ini bikin dia merasa “terjebak di tengah” tanpa jalan keluar yang jelas.
Bridge dan breakdown menambah intensitas lagu dengan teriakan “Stop yelling at me!” yang menunjukkan betapa capeknya si penyanyi harus menghadapi segala drama dan kekacauan ini.
Dia ingin waktu untuk dirinya sendiri tanpa diganggu oleh kebohongan yang terus berdatangan.
Rasa lelah dan kemarahan ini membawa ke penutup, di mana akhirnya dia menyadari kebenaran dari situasi tersebut.
Mereka yang tadinya dianggap sekutu ternyata tidak bisa dipercaya😠.
Kalau kamu pernah merasa dikhianati atau terjebak di situasi sulit kayak gini, bagikan lagu ini ke teman atau keluargamu!.
Mungkin mereka bisa merasa lebih lega karena ada yang ngerti rasanya jadi di posisi ini😌💥.
3. namamu disini
Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?
ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu
Suka menulis?
Mau menghasilkan dari tulisan mu?
Yuk mulai #hidupdariKARYA
Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu
Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.
pasangIN iklanmu di sini!
GRATIS iklan pertama.
Bonus review produk untuk 27 pengiklan pertama.
Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Kamis tanggal 14 November 2024
Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Two Faced, Linkin Park, Two Faced Linkin Park,
Chord Two Faced, Chord Linkin Park, Chord Two Faced Linkin Park, Lagu T, Musisi L,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,
Orang Terkait:
Mike Shinoda, Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Colin Brittain, Mr. Hahn, Emily Armstrong, Emily Armstrong, Mike Shinoda, Mr. Hahn, Rich Costey, Emerson Mancini, Brad Delson, Colin Brittain, Brad Delson, Colin Brittain, Dave Farrell, Jeff Citron, Warner Records, Warner Records, Linkin Park, LLC, Linkin Park, LLC, Joe Hahn, WL Boyd, Swartz/Boyd Productions, Danny Gomez, Adam Evans, Eduardo Capriles, Lawrence Le, Nick Lombardo, Joe McGill, Alexis Espadas, Mark Holmes, Meesh Daranyi, Tiffany Puhy-Jenkins, Efi Green, Gulsen Kan, Carolina Ballesteros, Emily Zempel, Thank You 92, Thank You 92, Mike Carson, Valtteri Laihanen, Emile Frederick, Celine Royer, Tyler Santangelo, Michael Hankowsky, Sturdy, Seth Griffiths, Earlybird Visual, Igor Kovalik, Thomas Moser, Adolfo Martinelli, Adam Casillas, William Chase, John Chidley, Ricki Cook, Abigail Dannewitz, Lorenzo Errico, Lucas Parr, Tracy Robar, Adam Ruehmer, Joe Skarz, Ben Young
Hal Terkait:
Musik Amerika Serikat, Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal
Tanggal Terkait:
14, November, 2024, 14 November, November 2024, 14 November 2024
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