Chord My Car · Imagine Dragons

Chord My Car · Imagine Dragons (C) [asli]

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Chord My Car Imagine Dragons ceritaIN tentang arti kabur dari masalah besar dan mobilnya jadi penyelamat. 🎸


Musisi:Imagine Dragons
Judul:My Car
Pencipta:Asa Taccone, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Alex da Kid feat Andrew Tolman
Album:The Itch
Rilis:21 Februari 2025
Produser:Imagine Dragons, Alex da Kid, Goldwiing feat Asa Taccone
Genre:Pop, Rock
Makna Lagu↗️

Chord My Car · Imagine Dragons

C Am
C Dm C D G

Bait 1:
Another day, another one ready to go
I woke up in the foreigner's clothes
Another race, another one, I'm ready to go
Chokin' on a lethal dose

Yeah, momma's in the kitchen and she worried about me
Don't know what to say so I'm treading lightly
I put on my best shoes, walkin' slowly
F             G       Dm            Em
I don't wanna hurt you, don't wanna leave you
F                    G
I don't know what to do

So let's go, let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
G D G D Am
In my car, oh, in my car, I go
Let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
In my car, oh, in my car, I go

Bait 2:
She murder wrote, she murder wrote
Murder she wrote
She woke up in the foreigner's clothes
She wanted out, she wanted out, where do you go?
She's chokin' on a lethal dose

Sirens in the air and they're comin' for you
I would like to step, you can take me too
Then pay you with a suitcase full of cash
F G Dm Em
Run away, faster, faster
I put on my best shoes, walkin' slowly
I don't wanna hurt you

So let's go, let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
G D G D Am
In my car, oh, in my car, I go
Let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
In my car, oh, in my car, I go

Your heart beats so slowly
Our hearts beat so slowly

So let's go, let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
G D G D Am
In my car, oh, in my car, I go
Let's go, my time is critical
D C D C Am
In my car, oh, in my car, let's go
Let's go when things get difficult
G D G D Am
In my car, oh, in my car, I go

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126.7013.50028223 Februari 2025

Tentang Lagu My Car | Imagine Dragons

Hak Cipta:℗ Interscope Records feat KIDinaKORNER
Distributor:Universal Music Group
Mastering:Randy Merrill
Komposer:Asa Taccone, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Alex da Kid feat Andrew Tolman
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya

Album Imagine Dragons:

Album: The Itch, 21 Februari 2025

Woke C D E F G A B
The Journey C D E F G A B
The Ghost Intervention C D E F G A B
Strange Ways C D E F G A B
Playin’ Me C D E F G A B
Monica C D E F G A B
Mayday C D E F G A B
Cowboy C D E F G A B
Black C D E F G A B
My Car C D E F G A B
I Get Carried Away C D E F G A B
Album: EVOLVE, 18 Desember 2024
Believer C D E F G A B
Album: LOOM, 18 Oktober 2024
Take Me To The Beach C D E F G A B
Album: Reflections (from the Vault of Smoke + Mirrors), 21 Februari 2025
Who We Are C D E F G A B
Wariorr C D E F G A B
Trouble C D E F G A B
Theif C D E F G A B
The Unkown C D E F G A B
Summer C D E F G A B
Shots C D E F G A B
Second Chances C D E F G A B
Release C D E F G A B
Polaroid C D E F G A B
Monster C D E F G A B
It Comes Back To You C D E F G A B
Friction C D E F G A B
Smoke and Mirrors C D E F G A B
Hopeless Opus C D E F G A B
Gold C D E F G A B
Destroyed C D E F G A B
I’m So Sorry C D E F G A B
Dream C D E F G A B
Dare U C D E F G A B
Album: Smoke + Mirrors, 27 Oktober 2015
The Fall C D E F G A B
I Bet My Life C D E F G A B
Chord | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chord | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu My Car

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. Imagine Dragons?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

“My Car,” bukan sekadar lagu tentang mobil. Ini lebih kayak kisah pelarian yang menegangkan! 😵.

Penyanyi terjebak di situasi genting, stresnya luar biasa, sampai rasanya kayak orang asing di hidupnya sendiri. Mobil? Itulah satu-satunya harapan buat kabur dari semua kekacauan.

Lagu ini penuh teka-teki. Ada nuansa gelap, sesuatu yang ilegal mungkin sedang terjadi 😟.

Dia dan pasangannya kayaknya sedang lari dari masalah besar. Situasinya mencekam, bikin jantung deg-degan!

Keluarganya khawatir dan penyanyi ini berusaha tegar, tapi tetap harus kabur. Dilema banget, kan? Dia terjepit antara tanggung jawab dan kebutuhan untuk nyelametin diri 😥.

Reff-nya berulang menekankan pentingnya mobil itu. Mobil jadi simbol kebebasan, satu-satunya kesempatan untuk lepas dari masalah.

Lagu ini unik, campuran antara ketegangan dan romantisme yang bikin penasaran ❤️‍🔥.

Coba dengerin dan share interpretasi kamu sendiri! Siapa tau ada perspektif lain yang lebih menarik 😍.

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
2. Album My Car Imagine Dragons?
3. Kapan lagu My Car Imagine Dragons dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
5. Siapa Produser lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
6. Siapa Hak Cipta lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
7. Siapa Distributor lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
8. Siapa Mastering lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
9. Siapa Komposer lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?
10. Siapa Pencipta lagu My Car Imagine Dragons?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Jumat tanggal 21 Februari 2025

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
Ismi Merlinda,
My Car, Imagine Dragons, My Car Imagine Dragons,
Chord My Car, Chord Imagine Dragons, Chord My Car Imagine Dragons, Lagu M, Musisi I,
Chord, Chord gitar, chord gratis, chord terbaru, chord lagu baru, chord lagu indonesia, kapanlagi, chordtela, chordindonesia, chordify, chordfrenzy, ultimate guitar,

Kategori Musisi:
Band Amerika Serikat,

Orang Terkait:
Imagine Dragons, Alex da Kid, Goldwiing, Asa Taccone, ℗ Interscope Records, KIDinaKORNER, Universal Music Group, Randy Merrill, Asa Taccone, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Alex da Kid, Andrew Tolman, Asa Taccone, Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Alex da Kid, Andrew Tolman

Hal Terkait:
Musik Amerika Serikat, Pop, Rock

Tanggal Terkait:
21, Februari, 2025, 21 Februari, Februari 2025, 21 Februari 2025


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