Chord Back From The Edge · James Arthur, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap

Chord Back From The Edge · James Arthur, Lirik & Makna Lagu Lengkap (E) [asli]

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Chord Back From The Edge James Arthur ceritaIN tentang arti perjalanan bangkit dari keterpurukan dan menemukan kembali diri sendiri. 🎸


Musisi:James Arthur
Judul:Back From The Edge
Album:Back From The Edge
Rilis:28 Oktober 2018
Produser:Bradley Spence, Jonathan Quarmby, Alex Beitzke
Genre:Pop, R&B
Makna Lagu↗️

Chord Back From The Edge · James Arthur

Back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back before demons took control of my head
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Em C D G Em C B
Oh, he would reach for the stars, yeah

Bait 1:
Em C
You can take my home, you can take my clothes
You can take the drugs I have that nobody knows
Em Am
You can take my watch, you can take my phone
You can take all I've got 'til I'm skin and bone
Em C
I don't want control, I can dig my own hole
I can make my bed and I can lie in it cold
Em Am
'Cause I don't need heat, I've been burnin' in hell
But now I'm back with my own story to tell

Back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back before demons took control of my head
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Oh, back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back from the tears that were too easily shed
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Em C D G Em Am B
Who would reach for the stars, yeah

Bait 2:
Em C
They don't like my lies, they don't like my songs
Except in karaoke when they're singing along
Em Am
Did you see them build me up? Well I just tear myself down
With a smile on my face, I dug my grave in the ground
Em C
We all make mistakes, we're so quick to judge
It's hard to forgive when we hold onto a grudge
Em Am
So turn down the heat, I've been burnin' in hell
But now I'm back with my own story to tell

Back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back before demons took control of my head
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Oh, back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back from the tears that were too easily shed
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Em C D G Em Am B
Who would reach for the stars, yeah

Em C
I don't want control, I can dig my own hole
I can make my bed and I can lie in it cold
Em Am
'Cause I don't need heat, I've been burnin' in hell
But now I'm back with my own story to tell

Back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back before demons took control of my head
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Oh, back from the edge
Back from the dead
Back from the tears that were too easily shed
Back to the start
Back to my heart
B Em
Back to the boy who would reach for the stars
Em C D G Em Am B
Who would reach for the stars, yeah

Interaksi Video
1686.05012.0004699 Februari 2025

Tentang Lagu Back From The Edge | James Arthur

Pencipta Lagu:Emma Rohan, Jonathan Quarmby, James Arthur
Vokal Utama:James Arthur
Vokal Latar:James Arthur, Emma Rohan
Insinyur:Mattia Sartori, Jonny Solway, Tom Upex
Insinyur Mixing:Alex Beitzke, Bradley Spence
Tampilkan Musisi Selengkapnya
Insinyur Mastering:Robin Schmidt
Produser Vokal:Jonathan Quarmby
Editor:Cécile Desnos
Aransemen:Ben Corrigan, Alex Beitzke, Robert Hervais-Adelman
Bassist:Alex Beitzke
Gitar:Rob Harris, Saul Wodak, Alex Beitzke
Keyboard:Phil Jewson, Saul Wodak
Drum:Dan Bingham
Perkusi:Bradley Spence
Programmer:Bradley Spence
Saxofon:Greg Sinclair
Saxofon Bariton:Greg Sinclair
Trompet:Rob Greenwood
Trombon:Patrick Hayes
Trombon Bass:Patrick Hayes
Brass & Orkestra:Stompy’s Playground
Biola Pertama:Tina Jacobs-Lim
Biola Kedua:Connie Chatwin
Viola:Sally Wragg
Cellist:Tom Oldfield
Strings:Phil Jewson
Hak Cipta Phonographic:Sony Music Entertainment
Hak Cipta:Sony Music Entertainment

Album James Arthur:

Chord | Judul
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chord | Penyanyi
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

MeLirik Lagu Back From The Edge

Salam #MasBro #MbakBro
Yuk MeLirik makna/artinya

1. James Arthur?

Apa arti lagu ini?
Maknanya menceritakan tentang apa?

Nanti kami akan wawancara musisinya. Kita ceritain disini nanti ya.

2. musikIN

Lagu ini adalah tentang perjalanan bangkit dari keterpurukan dan menemukan kembali diri sendiri.

James Arthur menceritakan bagaimana ia melewati masa-masa sulit, kehilangan arah, dan akhirnya berusaha kembali ke awal.

Setiap liriknya penuh dengan refleksi atas masa lalu yang kelam, mulai dari keputusasaan hingga kehilangan kendali atas hidupnya.

Namun, di balik semua itu, ada harapan untuk memperbaiki diri dan menemukan kembali versi terbaiknya.

Lagu ini juga berbicara tentang tekanan dari luar serta perjuangan untuk menerima diri sendiri.

Kesalahan masa lalu memang tidak bisa dihapus, tetapi seseorang bisa memilih untuk bangkit dan menjalani hidup dengan cara yang lebih baik.

Pesannya cukup jelas: meskipun sudah jatuh berkali-kali, masih ada kesempatan untuk kembali.

Bukan tentang menghapus masa lalu, tapi berdamai dengannya dan melanjutkan perjalanan dengan lebih kuat.

Buat yang pernah merasa terpuruk dan kehilangan arah, lagu ini bisa jadi pengingat bahwa bangkit itu mungkin. Kita semua berhak punya kesempatan kedua untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Dengerin lagunya sekarang, resapi liriknya, dan siapa tahu ini bisa jadi lagu penyemangat buat kamu yang sedang berusaha bangkit!

3. namamu disini

Punya cerita tentang lagu di atas?

ceritaIN ceritamu di sini↗️
Dan mulai menghasilkan dari tulisanmu

Baca Juga
Menghasilkan uang dari menulis makna lagu
#MENULISdapatuang dari menulis chord lagu


Apa aja sih Fertanyaan Aku paling sering ditanyaQin?

1. Siapa penyanyi lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
2. Album Back From The Edge James Arthur?
3. Kapan lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur dirilis?
4. Apa genre lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
5. Siapa Produser lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
6. Siapa Pencipta Lagu lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
7. Siapa Vokal Utama lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
8. Siapa Vokal Latar lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
9. Siapa Insinyur lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
10. Siapa Insinyur Mixing lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
11. Siapa Insinyur Mastering lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
12. Siapa Produser Vokal lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
13. Siapa Editor lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
14. Siapa Aransemen lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
15. Siapa Bassist lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
16. Siapa Gitar lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
17. Siapa Keyboard lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
18. Siapa Drum lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
19. Siapa Perkusi lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
20. Siapa Programmer lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
21. Siapa Saxofon lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
22. Siapa Saxofon Bariton lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
23. Siapa Trompet lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
24. Siapa Trombon lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
25. Siapa Trombon Bass lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
26. Siapa Brass & Orkestra lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
27. Siapa Biola Pertama lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
28. Siapa Biola Kedua lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
29. Siapa Viola lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
30. Siapa Cellist lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
31. Siapa Strings lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
32. Siapa Hak Cipta Phonographic lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?
33. Siapa Hak Cipta lagu Back From The Edge James Arthur?

Semoga bermanfaat.
Seneng bisa berbagi.

Terimakasih: dibuka pukul 08.27 WIB pada hari Minggu tanggal 28 Oktober 2018

Kata kunci sering dicari:
Chord, BoChord, chord gitar, kunci gitar,
farhan fadhlurrahman,
Back From The Edge, James Arthur, Back From The Edge James Arthur,
Chord Back From The Edge, Chord James Arthur, Chord Back From The Edge James Arthur, Lagu B, Musisi J,
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Orang Terkait:
Bradley Spence, Jonathan Quarmby, Alex Beitzke, Emma Rohan, Jonathan Quarmby, James Arthur, James Arthur, James Arthur, Emma Rohan, Mattia Sartori, Jonny Solway, Tom Upex, Alex Beitzke, Bradley Spence, Robin Schmidt, Jonathan Quarmby, Cécile Desnos, Ben Corrigan, Alex Beitzke, Robert Hervais-Adelman, Alex Beitzke, Rob Harris, Saul Wodak, Alex Beitzke, Phil Jewson, Saul Wodak, Dan Bingham, Bradley Spence, Bradley Spence, Greg Sinclair, Greg Sinclair, Rob Greenwood, Patrick Hayes, Patrick Hayes, Stompy’s Playground, Tina Jacobs-Lim, Connie Chatwin, Sally Wragg, Tom Oldfield, Phil Jewson, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Music Entertainment

Hal Terkait:
Musik Inggris, Pop, R&B

Tanggal Terkait:
28, Oktober, 2018, 28 Oktober, Oktober 2018, 28 Oktober 2018


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