Chord 22 | Taylor Swift (E)
Musisi : Taylor Swift
Judul : 22
Pencipta : Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Shellback
Album : Red
Rilis : 12 Maret 2013
Produser : Max Martin, Shellback
Genre : Pop
Verse 1
EIt feels like a peBrfect night
A To dress up like Bhipsters
E And make fun of our eBxes,A uh-uh,B uh-uh
EIt feels like a peBrfect night
A For breakfast at Bmidnight
E To fall in love with Bstrangers,A uh-uh,B uh-uh
We're hAappy, free, confused, and loBnely at the sEame timeB..
It's mAiserable and magiBcal, oh yeEah.B.
ToniAght's the night when we forgBet about the dEeadlines
B It's tiAme, oh-oh
E I don't know abBout youA, but I'm feeling Dbm22.B.
Everything will be alrighAt if youB keep me next to yEou
You don't kBnow about me,A but I'll bet you want Dbmto.B.
Everything will be alrigAht ifB w? just keep dancing like weE're
B 2A2,B 2A2
Verse 2
EIt seems like oBne of those nights
A This place is too cBrowded
E Too many cBool kids,A uh-uh,B uh-uh
(Who's Taylor Swift, anyway? Ew)
EIt seems like one of those nBights
A We ditch the whBole scene
E And end up drBeaming
A Instead of sleeBping
We're hAappy, free, confused, and loBnely in the bEest way.B.
It's miAserable and magicBal, oh, yeEah.B..
ToniAght's the night when we forgBet about the hEeartbreaks
B It's tiAme, oh-oh
I don't know aBbout yoAu, but I'm feelingDbm 22B..
Everything will be alrighAt if youB keep me next to yEou
You don't kBnow about me,A but I'll bet you want Dbmto.B.
Everything will be alrigAht ifB w? just keep dancing like weE're
B 2A2,
Dbm 22B...I don't know about yEou
B22A, Dbm22.B.
EIt feels like one of thBose nightAs
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of thDbmose nigBhts
We won't be sleeping
EIt feels like one of thBose nightAs
You look like bad news
I gotta haDbmve youB.
I gotta have yEou
BOoh, oAoh, yeah, heyDbm, yeBah
I don't know aBbout yoAu, but I'm feelingDbm 22B..
Everything will be alrighAt if youB keep me next to yEou
You don't kBnow about me,A but I'll bet you want Dbmto.B.
Everything will be alrigAht ifB w? just keep dancing like weE're
B 2A2,
Dbm 22B... Dancing liEke
B22A (Yeah, yeah),Dbm 22B (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
EIt feels like one of thBose nightAs
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of thDbmose nigBhts
We won't be sleeping
EIt feels like one of thBose nightAs
You look like bad news
I gotta haDbmve youB.
I gotta have you
Tentang Lagu 22 | Taylor Swift
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Me Lirik Lagu 22 | Taylor Swift
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